Monday, November 28, 2016

"How to Read Literature Like a Professor" and "The Metamorphosis"

After reading the first chapter of the book, write a question that digs for the symbolic meaning of "The Metamorphosis."

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Unpacking Meaning in a Text: Anaysis of Literary Elements

Choose one of the following prompts to analyze with textual evidence.

  1. How does Torvald's language towards his wife emphasize his view of her and their relationship?
  2. How does borrowing and spending money portray the relationship of Nora and Torvald?
  3. How does the setting of the holidays reinforce theme?
  4. What might be the significance of the Christmas tree and Nora's dress? How might they contribute to theme and/or character?
  5. Nora compares herself to a doll? Why? How does this metaphor and the metaphor of a doll's house develop and enhance theme?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Opening Question

What do you think makes a text a work of literature? What qualities or criteria does a piece of literature have to make it worth studying? Provide an example of a text that you consider to be worthy of studying.