How does Gregor being turning into a bug as opposed to a different animal portray the message the author is trying to send with the metamorphosis itself?
What do the shiny buttons on the father's uniform represent? The father's uniform got dirtier, but the buttons stayed shiny. Why was it important for Kafka to bring the buttons to the readers attention?
How does Gregor's transformation symbolize the way he is treated by his family? Could this have any relation to his unquestionable acceptance in his situation?
What was going on in the world during the time Kafka was alive? During the time this story was written?
ReplyDeleteHow does Gregor being turning into a bug as opposed to a different animal portray the message the author is trying to send with the metamorphosis itself?
ReplyDeleteWhat do the shiny buttons on the father's uniform represent? The father's uniform got dirtier, but the buttons stayed shiny. Why was it important for Kafka to bring the buttons to the readers attention?
ReplyDeleteWhat did the three men that rented the room symbolize and why did they have an important role in the story?
ReplyDeleteWhat does Gregor's isolation and his family's attitudes symbolize in the story?
ReplyDeleteWhy does the author not specify what Gregor has turned into? Is Gregor actually a bug or is this his perception of what he has turned into?
ReplyDeleteHow does Gregor's transformation symbolize the way he is treated by his family? Could this have any relation to his unquestionable acceptance in his situation?
ReplyDeleteAs the story progresses how does the family, and then Gregor himself, dehumanize Gregor and his traumatic experience?
ReplyDeleteCould Gregor's transformation be not physical, but mental? In other words, has he really turned into a bug, or does he just feel like one?